"These flames...light up a new era...Spirits are awakening
and oh, Century, it is a joy to live!"
Joseph Goebbels, spoken at the Nazi bookburning, 1933
Yeah, wallow in your fifteen minutes of fame,
Pastor Jones, revel in the attention
That the media is lavishing upon you,
Your lunatic-fringe church,
Your gun-totin redneck parishoners,
Your poor white trash concept of a God
That's moved you to burn the sand nigger bible.
It warn't too long ago that your local boys
Were burning crosses to intimidate blacks,
Another race they hate, but now you're hoisting it
In the name of the Lord God of bookburners.
Yeah, milk the talk show circuit, Pastor Jones.
Shake hands with Larry King, and flash that smug
Grand Inquisitor smirk of self-righteousness.
Besides hellfire, now you're brandishing a match
That might ignite a world conflagration.
It's little people like you who spark the wars;
Like the religious zealot who hoped to incite
A slave rebellion by taking Harper's Ferry,
The Serbian Nationalist who assassinated
Archduke Ferdinand and wife at Sarajevo,
The bitter former corporal who blamed the Jews
For his country's betrayal and his poverty.
Yeah, you'll milk the publicity for all its worth,
Pastor Jones, make a few converts who feel kinship
With your toxic brand of hate-infused religion.
You'll make a few bucks too, you shit-stirring phony.
That's really what this is all about, isn't it?
Sadly, it may be our troops, or innocent civilians
Who might give their lives for your blood money,
As Muslim extremists, as hate-inspired as yourself,
Respond to your misguided act of provocation.
When you start a fire using bigotry as kindling,
It's likely to flare up and get away from you.
"The past is lying in flames. The future will rise
from the flames, within our hearts."
Joseph Goebbels, spoken at the Nazi bookburning, 1933
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